The Micronaval Warfare Series


Coming in 2025!

Strikepod Systems will soon be launching a book series focusing on various areas of micronaval warfare operations, including intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR), anti-submarine warfare (ASW), mine warfare (MIW), seabed warfare, denial/deception, cyber operations, and even operations on other ocean worlds.
Planned titles include:

►The Handbook of Micronaval Warfare

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Navies worldwide are developing and deploying highly advanced, unmanned maritime systems. Thanks to a steady stream of scientific and technological advancements in power production, propulsion, undersea communications, weapons technology, and artificial intelligence, revolutionary miniature submarines, air, and surface vehicles are rapidly ushering in the era of micronaval warfare. This handbook provides an overview of the vehicles, payloads, operations, tactics, and strategic implications of micronaval warfare, with a such as anti-submarine warfare, mine warfare, denial and deception, underwater cyber, and pod operations.

►Autonomous Mine Warfare

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Blending meticulous research with visionary insights, Autonomous Mine Warfare takes readers into the cutting-edge realm of autonomous underwater conflict, where unmanned technologies are poised to reshape the nature and conduct of war beneath the waves. From distributed, mobile mines to the integration of artificial intelligence, this volume explores the convergence of UUVs, mines, and torpedoes, analyzing the tactics, operational challenges, and strategic implications of autonomous undersea combat systems.

►Micronaval Warfare: Book of Scenarios

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Combining imagination with analytic rigor, this companion volume to The Handbook of Micronaval Warfare provides analysts, warfighters, and wargame designers with an overview of strategic, operational, and tactical scenarios involving autonomous maritime systems.

►Ocean Moon Micronaval Operations

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The quest for Earthly scientific knowledge has become a breeding ground for rivalry and competition, and the exploration of deep space, with its promise of untold wealth and national prestige, will be characterized by the same gamesmanship. As spacefaring nations push the boundaries of exploration and move further into the far reaches of the solar system, ocean worlds, both within and beyond our solar system, could become flashpoints for strategic competition. Ocean Moon Micronaval Operations reimagines naval warfare and maritime security operations in the face of exploring watery worlds.

►Blended Wing Underwater Glider Operations

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As submarines continue to proliferate, there will be an increasing demand for persistent, integrated, wide-area ocean surveillance. With their high endurance and heavyweight payload capacity, blended wing body underwater gliders (or BWBUGS) are well suited to this role, as well as kinetic roles such as seabed strike or offensive mine warfare. Both China and the United States have demonstrated a keen interest in BWBUGS, with both Northrop Grumman and General Atomics developing and deploying extra-large prototypes. As endurance continues to be a limiting factor for underwater vehicles, BWBUGs will be an attractive platform for naval and maritime security operations.

►Underwater Cyber Operations

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The proliferation of underwater wireless sensor networks and the coming Internet of Underwater Things will expose new virtual and physical attack vectors in an environment that offers both anonymity and deniability. Although significant technological barriers to entry will persist in the short term, they will continue to erode as market forces and security considerations drive innovation forward. It is critical to anticipate and understand how cyber operations will unfold in this unique and challenging environment, as well as the broader strategic challenges they will present. Underwater Cyber Operations presents an overview of the vulnerabilities, threats, and opportunities posed by unmanned undersea systems
